Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
There’s a whole host of events happening, check them out here.
We’re creating a thriving community, where every student feels they belong.
Delivering the changes that students want to see, to improve their everyday lives at City St George's.
Providing high quality and easily accessible support for students whilst at City St George's and beyond.
Applying for the election means that you will have a direct impact on the future of City St George's.
All the information for Students in Tooting.
The only place you can get University branded merch and useful products for student life.
The adopt society application will open on 17/03/25 and close on 30/03/25, after which the applications will be reviewed (you will not receive an update on your application until this window has closed)
The application will re-open on 12/05/25 and close for the academic year on 25/05/25, after which the applications will be reviewed (you will not receive an update on your application until this window has closed)
This form is an application to adopt a previously active City St George's Students’ Union Society, and may only be completed and submitted by a current City St George's, University of London student. Please fill out all the sections to aid us with your application. Failure to fully complete all sections may lead to your application being rejected.
If your application is successful committee members will then be required to attend training, create a constitution, and begin operating as a society. Please note the Students’ Union may not reimburse any expenses you create before this date relating to your proposed society.
The Students' Union is thrilled to announce our Adopt a Society programme! This initiative gives students the opportunity to help revive our currently inactive societies. You will development great skills including:
When you adopt previous inactive societies you gain any funds that they used to have along with their euipment, website, and brand. You will be ahead of teh game. As a society committee member, you will get access to exclusive committee training hosted by the Students' Union to make sure you are fully prepared. You'll also get access to other skills and employability-based training sessions, as well as a host of EDI sessions that we put on.
If you would like to take up any of the above positions and adopt a society, please choose from the list below and email telling us which society you would like to help revive and which position you are interested in!
Accessibility Statement.