Holding an AGM Online

Step 1: Choose Your Online Platform

  • Decide whether you'll use Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or another online meeting platform. Ensure the platform can accommodate your expected number of attendees and has necessary features like screen sharing and recording.
  • Schedule the meeting outside of working hours (e.g., evenings and weekends) to maximize attendance.

Step 2: Create an Event

  • Set up the AGM event on the students' union website with the date, time, and online meeting link.
  • Include instructions on how to join the meeting and any necessary passwords or access codes.

Step 3: Advertise Your AGM

Step 4: Hold Your AGM

  • Start the meeting by taking attendance. Use an online form or the chat feature to record who is present.
  • Follow the agenda and take minutes using a template. Record the number of votes for each decision.
  • Ensure the meeting is 'quorate' by having either:
    • 10 members present
    • 50% + 1 of your membership present

Step 5: Submit Your Results

  • After the meeting, submit the results to the students' union using the results submission form provided by your institution.

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