Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
There’s a whole host of events happening, check them out here.
We’re creating a thriving community, where every student feels they belong.
Delivering the changes that students want to see, to improve their everyday lives at City St George's.
Providing high quality and easily accessible support for students whilst at City St George's and beyond.
Applying for the election means that you will have a direct impact on the future of City St George's.
All the information for Students in Tooting.
The only place you can get University branded merch and useful products for student life.
When going on a trip or tour, most student groups will choose to go through a tour operator. However, you must still notify the students’ union within the required notice periods. No trip organised by an affiliated group may proceed without written approval from the Union.
Every tour or trip requires the organising group to complete a Trip / Tours Request Form at least one month prior to the departure date for trips in the United Kingdom and two months prior to the departure date for trips abroad.
You can find the full Trips and Tours Policy here.
The Trip Notification Form can be found here!
Below you can find a step by step guide to support you to plan your tour or trip.
As committee members, there are specific health and safety aspects to consider.
You can find a template risk assessment for a trip or tour here.
Accessibility Statement.