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The City Criminal Justice Society is a student-led organisation at the City University of London with a mission to create a more informed student populus of Criminal Law.
“Ignorantia juris non excusat - Ignorance of the law excuses no one” The City Criminal Justice Society is a new student-led organisation at the City University of London founded in 2021 by LLB Law student Josef Al-Raheme , with a mission to creating a more informed student populus of Criminal Law.
The society’s primary aim is to create an open space where students can exchange views in relation to Criminal Justice and explore related concepts both academically and professionally. The Criminal Justice Society at City believes that networking and knowledge sharing is key and as such aims to organize events, workshops, Q&A sessions with prominent Barristers and Solicitors as well grow the student communities interest in law in general and the Criminal Justice System in particular. Whichever course of study you may be following and whatever career aspirations you may have, law is an essential part of our society and one which you must be familiar with. Thus, the Criminal Justice Society at City welcomes students from any background to join us in our endeavour.
We will be placing an election to become part of the Criminal Justice Society Committee closer in time!
President: Mensure Yazici (2nd Year, LLB Law)
Finance Officer:
Marketing Executive:
Communications Officer:
Social Events Officer:
Accessibility Statement.