CSGUL Green Party Society

There’s no climate justice without social justice. Whether you are
passionate about clean air, human rights, ending systemic racism, or
stopping climate change, it’s all linked. It’s time to work together to create
a fairer, greener future.

The City Green Party Society is open to everyone and anyone who wants
to learn more about green politics and activism. Wether you want to join
the committee or come along for a chat and some free pizza, this could be
the society for you!


  • CSGUL Green Party Society Associate Membership£0.00
  • CSGUL Green Party Society Standard Membership£0.00
  • Standard Membership + £5 Donation£5.00
  • Associate Membership + £5 Donation£5.00
  • £2 Merchandise£2.00
  • £5 Merchandise£5.00
  • £2 Donation - Student Activities, CSGUL Green Party Society£2.00
  • £5 Donation - Student Activities, CSGUL Green Party Society£5.00


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