Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
There’s a whole host of events happening, check them out here.
We’re creating a thriving community, where every student feels they belong.
Delivering the changes that students want to see, to improve their everyday lives at City St George's.
Providing high quality and easily accessible support for students whilst at City St George's and beyond.
Applying for the election means that you will have a direct impact on the future of City St George's.
All the information for Students in Tooting.
The only place you can get University branded merch and useful products for student life.
The American Society is a forum for a global community, hoping to inspire students that are curious about the USA.
We warm heartedly welcome people from all walks of life, with the intention of getting to know the American culture and society better. We aim to create a platform, where the City community can discuss current events and topics relevant to the US. The society is ideal for students interested in pursuing networking opportunities, as well as professional and personal development in relation to the US.
The Society will organize activities such as social, career and educational events throughout the year. These include, but are not limited to US company presentations, panel debates, workshops, Superbowl night, and Thanksgiving dinner.
Follow us on Instagram @cityamericansociety
Accessibility Statement.