Hello! Welcome to the Anime & Manga society!

If you are a person who enjoys watching anime and reading manga or just wanna make friends, this is the place for you! Even if you are still new to this, you are still welcome to join and even ask for recommendations. Join this society to meet others who share the same interests, we are all a very friendly bunch! You will enjoy making friends and watching anime and participating in fun events with us.

Join us through Discord where we host movie nights and game nights! We stream many types of anime such as episodes and movies from different genres. You can also play games and participate in quizzes! There are always discussions about anime where you can share your opinions on your favourite anime and manga or recommend some options for everyone!

If you run into any trouble or would like to report an issue, please feel free to reach out to us so we may solve the issue and make your experience worth while. 


President: Savi

Communications Officer: Duncan

Finance Officer: Angelo

Events Officer: Sami

Here is the discord link: https://discord.gg/gUEXnPQSxX

Our discord server is where we do all of our announcements and everyone chats with each other. Once you join the server, please create a ticket as the welcome message instructs and in the opened ticket ticket channel send a photo of yourself with student ID so our staff can verify you and give you full access to the server.

Welcome to the anime society!


  • Anime Society Associate Membership£6.00
  • Anime Society Standard Membership£5.00


This group isn't running any events right now. Why not get in touch and suggest something?

Finance Requests