Calisthenics Society

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City, St. George's Calisthenics Society! Teaching and training sessions available. All levels are welcome - from absolute beginner to elite.

Welcome to City, St. George's Calisthenics Society!

Calisthenics at its core is about unleashing the potential of your body through movement. Be it mastering impressive skills or simply getting stronger and gaining confidence in yourself, calisthenics has broad horizons to set your sights on, and the benefits feed into all physical and mental aspects of life. Building muscle, building strength and endurance, losing weight, or simply improving your overall health, calisthenics can help you achieve it all. The sport has grown in popularity rapidly over recent years, with big names in the fitness industry getting involved - recently Gymshark opened a store with a calisthenics gym in Central London, and even pro bodybuilders such as Larry Wheels have incorporated calisthenics into their training. There is no better time than now to become a calisthenics athlete!

As a new society, we will be holding weekly training sessions from Term 2 at CitySport Gym or the outdoor Calisthenics Park on Old Gloucester Street - timings to be confirmed closer to the date.

Suitable for all levels, the society will teach you everything there is to know from the absolute fundamentals all the way to advanced skills like planche, handstand pushups, and front lever, so don't worry about not having experience!

Furthermore, and one of the biggest draws to the sport, is that it requires little to no equipment, you can train nearly anywhere, provided you have the motivation! 

We are partnered with the University Calisthenics Association, an institution providing support and events for University Calisthenics worldwide; UCA acts as the body of UK University Calisthenics, having run many competitions and events already - please feel free to check out their instagram profile

Contact Information

President - Max Lams (@max.lams)



  • Calisthenics Society Associate Membership£15.00
  • Calisthenics Society Standard Membership£10.00


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