Dungeons and Dragons Society

Dungeons and Dragons Society (DaDS)


Welcome to the D&D society page!

Who are we?

- We are a society focused on the popular tabletop role-playing game known as Dungeons and Dragons. From Aboleths to Zombies and all homebrews inbetween, we discuss and share our ideas. Baldur's Gate enjoyers are also welcome!

What do we do?

- The society regularly hosts in-person sessions with currently running campaigns held at the Northampton Square campus. However, we are short on experienced Dungeon Masters to accomodate for the number of players we have.

- We communicate though Discord, to join the server just send us an email (see below) for more information.

Have any questions?

- Feel free to contact our Communications Officer in the email linked if you have any questions. (Investigation check)


  • Dungeons and Dragons Society Associate Membership£2.00
  • Dungeons and Dragons Society Standard Membership£0.00


This group isn't running any events right now. Why not get in touch and suggest something?

Finance Requests