Habesha Society

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The First and best Habesha Society in the UK! Check out our Upcoming events below...

Student at City, then purchase Standard Membership

Student elsewhere, then purchase Associate Membership

They are the same price, however just help us categorise our members.


Next Event:

👉Holiday Link UP???👈


This Year's Events (and more but where would the excitement be if we revealed it all):

  1. Freshers Fair (27th September)✅

  2. Welcome Event Games Night (17th October)✅

  3. 😋Injera Night (November)✅

  4. 💃Girls Night (November)✅

  5. 🧠Careers and Applications Day (December)✅

  6. ---------Christmas Break-----------
  7. 🤾‍♀️Dodgeball Competition (January)🤾‍♂️

  8. Formal Dinner (January)

  9. Welcome Back Event (Early January)

  10. Psychology and Health Competition (Late January)

  11. Hackathon, Engineering and Tech (February)

  12. Panel Talk (Early March)

  13. Football Tournament (End of March)

  14. Seven Sisters Hike (April)

  15. Basketball Tournament (Summer TBC)

  16. Inter-soc sports day (Summer TBC)

  17. Summer Ball and Awards (Early June)

  18. Abroad Trip (Location TBA) (Early June)

This year we'll have recurring events such as: Monthly Socials, Monthly Volunteering, School Outreach and More as well as our Key Events listed above.


City Habesha Society aims to connect people from all backgrounds who are interested in Ethiopian and Eritrean culture.

We seek to help members explore Habesha's culturally and linguistically diverse heritage and promote awareness of issues relating to the countries.


Listed Below are our 5 Goals for the year:

1. PROMOTE Habesha Society and Culture whilst upholding our values and morals

2. EXPAND the Community of Habesha Students starting around this shared cultural heritage but expanding into so much more

3. PROVIDE Networking Experiences for the Habesha Community as well as the general society so that we can understand all the opportunities available to us as students and individuals in and outside of the UK

4. LEAD by example, modelling ourselves into Great People; helping the community whether young or old, bettering ourselves in our Faith and Studies, progressing our careers, businesses and projects, loving our families and extending this love to the wider community

5. HOST incredibly memorable events for the community to enjoy themselves!


Membership Benefits:

  • Early Access to Upcoming Events
  • Discounted events throughout the year (including a free First Event!)
  • Exclusive Acces To Members GC
  • Internhsip and Applications Support Network
  • Join the best Community in City

Memberships Prices Can be viewed in the Top Right Corner of the Page; Standard is for Students of City whilst Associate is for Students Elsewhere.

Last Year's Highlight Events:

  • Games Night (Welcome Event)
  • Restaurant Trips
  • Ice Skating
  • Girls's Night
  • Panel Talk and Netwowrking: Achieving Excellence in your Field

Meet The Commitee:

President: Samuel Vasilis

Vice: Million Okbay


Head of Socials: Abigail Messele

Directors of Finance: Yohannes Bedilu, Ariyam Berhe

Head of Events: Soleyana Amanuel


NEW Officers: Rayyan Ali, Akiya Alemu, Redeate Abraham, Nebyat, Sabrina Mebrahtom


Instagram: @cityhabeshasoc

TikTok: @cityhabeshasoc

For General Inquiries including collaboration requests send us a DM or official email.


  • Habesha Society Associate Membership£5.00
  • Habesha Society Standard Membership£5.00


This group isn't running any events right now. Why not get in touch and suggest something?

Finance Requests