Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
There’s a whole host of events happening, check them out here.
We’re creating a thriving community, where every student feels they belong.
Delivering the changes that students want to see, to improve their everyday lives at City St George's.
Providing high quality and easily accessible support for students whilst at City St George's and beyond.
Applying for the election means that you will have a direct impact on the future of City St George's.
All the information for Students in Tooting.
The only place you can get University branded merch and useful products for student life.
The Jewish Society is the main representative body for Jewish students on campus.
Our activities are focused on education, providing weekly kosher lunches on campus for our traditional "Lunch and Learn" sessions as well as inviting key members of the community to speak at our sessions.
We plan to have events centred on the Jewish festivals and anticipate certain educational events for Holocaust Memorial Day.
Essentially we provide a foundation for Jews on campus to meet and discuss certain ideas and issues.
Our Commitee:
Hannah Curtis - President
Nikita Vorobyoff - Vice-President
Hodaya Mason - Marketing Officer
Aaron Caplan - Finance Officer
For any Queries please email or get in touch via our socials!
Accessibility Statement.