Socialist Workers Student Society

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We are in the midst of an era of capitalist catastrophes: a climate emergency, economic collapse, geo-political warfare, and global pandemics. Join the fight for a revolutionary alternative.

Working class people face a social emergency while the mega rich just keep getting richer.

Rents, energy bills, and food prices are all soaring while wages and benefits stagnate. Tuition fees and student debt remain crippling, as we're forced to support ourselves through precarious and poorly-paid jobs.

The incumbent Conservative government does not care about the planet, they've no concern for our fundamental right to protest, they ignore systemic racism, they hate refugees and anyone who doesnt conform to their nuclear family - they pander to their far-right and fascist cronies in order to maintain support.

However, this is also a time of resistance, most notably as tens of thousands of workers take to the streets in sustained strike action. But there still remains an enormous battle, a wider challenge necessary to the system itself.

Socialist Workers Student Society aims to shape the political mood on campus, demonstrating to students the need for socialist revolution. Our position as an affiliate of the Socialist Workers Party, the largest revolutionary party in Britain, provides a wider opportunity for us to raise revolutionary politics and resist oppression and exploiitation.

Whether you're interested in fighting for revolution, or just curious about our ideas and what we stand for, keep an eye out for one of our stalls on campus, as well as our SWSS events advertised both on campus and online.


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