Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
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As a member of a City Students’ Union (the Union) Sports Club you are representing the University when playing and therefore it is expected that you abide by the following Code of Conduct, which supplements the Union’s Bye Law 9: Complaints and Disciplinary Policy; as opposed to superseding it:
1. This Code of Conduct should be read in conjunction with Bye Law 9: Complaints and Disciplinary Policy s. Where the Union deem that an incident is serious enough and the Members Code of Conduct has been breached, we reserve the right to invoke our Disciplinary Policy as outlined in the relevant Bye Law. The Communities Team may also impose sanctions.
Failure to follow procedure within this code of conduct may be subject to the following disciplinary actions;
-- Request an apology.
--fines to individuals or the club.
--expulsion of an individual and/or recognition of a club.
--banned from other Union activities/facilities.
--frozen club accounts.
--cancellation of fixtures leading to walkovers and points penalties
--withdrawal from competitions
--withdrawal of privileges such as Varsity.
2. All members must abide by national governing body rules and respect officials and their decisions.
3. All members must respect the rights of individuals, regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
4. Any form of discrimination will not be tolerated and if witnessed, must not be condoned. Discrimination should be reported through the You Report, We support.
5. Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions or inform their coach or team manager if they are going to be late.
6. Members should promptly notify coach/communities team on any existing condition, illness or injury which may hinder the player’s participation.
7. Members must display high standards of behaviour.
8. Members must promote the positive aspects of sport (e.g. fair play).
9. Members must respect the community and its surroundings.
10. Members must act accordingly at away games, just as they would at home. To act as an appropriate ambassador for City, University of London, and your team whilst either hosting other university clubs or when playing at away sites.
11. Members must pay any fees and/or fines promptly (e.g. bookings).
12. All members should not conduct themselves in any manner, or engage in any activity, whether before, travelling to, during or after an event or competition (including training and other activities), that would impair public confidence in the honest and orderly conduct of events and competitions or the integrity and good character of the university, or university altogether
13. Follow transport company policies
14. Alcohol or drugs are not permitted anywhere at CitySport, transport or away venues.
15. To act within the law, and to be aware of offending others and members of the public through anti-social behaviour
12. Members must wear suitable kit for training and match sessions, as agreed with the coach/team captain.
13. Members should sign out and return ALL the kit appropriately as documented in the handbook.
14. Each team will be given a first aid kit at the start of the year which they will need to maintain and take to each game throughout the season.
15. It is the club’s responsibility to pay for lost or stolen kit including first aid kits.
16. Members should respect Union kit and equipment as they would their own.
17. Members should leave home and away facilities as they found them.
18. Members should respect the playing and changing facilities both home and away.
19. The club is responsible to pay any fines/charges for misconduct at facilities.
20. Members should respect University, Students’ Union and Community property.
21. Members should report anything that they feel might pose a risk to themselves or participants in the session they are about to undertake.
22. Any facility issues that occur during your session/match must be reported to the facility
23. Any faulty equipment that constitute a hazard should be brought to the attention of the facility immediately
21. Members should always consult with the Communities Team prior to entering into negotiation or agreement.
22. Any team or club entering into a sponsorship deal involving promotional support, cash or ‘in-kind’
incentives without the prior consent of the Students’ Union may face disciplinary procedures.
23. Members should be aware of using inclusive language on social media websites.
24. Members should not use foul/offensive language on Students’ Union associated pages.
25. If asked by any member of the Student’s Union staff to remove posts/messages on social media, they should do so immediately.
27. Members should make all possible effort to include every participant.
28. Trials, open training or ‘try outs’ should be accessible and inclusive to all – no matter the standard of play.
29. Members are encouraged to help the development of students not ‘selected’ for a team – support will be given where possible to help clubs provide development teams.
31. It is the club committee’s responsibility to actively promote the recreational sporting offer to those not in a team either through student groups or CityActive, making it clear there is always the chance for those individuals who may not have been selected for the competitive team, to be selected at a later date.
32. Members must adhere to the Union’s Health and Safety policy, which can be found here.
33. Initiations for any sports club are strictly prohibited.
There are two forms of complaint; informal and formal. The full complaints procedure can be found here. The Union takes any complaint, whether small or large, very seriously, and have a complaints procedure in place. If you would like to make a formal complaint please complete this form.
Sexual harassment is defined in the City Sexual Misconduct Policy as encompassing any unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that is committed without consent or by force, intimidation, coercion, or manipulation. Sexual misconduct can be committed by a person of any gender, and it can occur between people or the same or different genders. The University might consider the following behaviours to be examples of sexual misconduct. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list and other behaviours may also be considered relevant:
• Sexual assault, which includes non-consensual sexual intercourse or attempted sexual intercourse (vaginal, anal or oral), any intentional unwanted bodily contact of a sexual nature, or the use of coercion, manipulation or force to make someone else engage in touching of a sexual nature;
• Sexual harassment, as defined in 5.4. above;
• Sexual exploitation, which involves taking non-consensual, unjust, or abusive sexual advantage of another person;
• Sexual intimidation, which includes threatening another person that you will commit a sex act against them or engaging in indecent exposure.
You can report sexual harassment through the universities You Report, We Support platform or by contacting the Sports Development Coordinator.
Please be aware that many other Universities have a Sexual Harassment Policy which you will fall under when playing at their grounds. We do not accept any form of sexual harassment and if any is reported the University will be informed.
We believe that everyone should be able to participate in and enjoy sport - whoever they are and whatever their background. Sport is about fairness and equality, respect and dignity. It teaches individuals how to strive and succeed, how to cope with success and disappointment, and brings people together with a common goal.
We are committed to making these values a reality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other LBGT+ people. We will work together, and individually, to rid sport of homophobia and transphobia. We will make sport a welcome place for everyone - for those participating in sport, those attending sporting events and for those working or volunteering in sports at any level.
We will work with all these groups to ensure they have a voice, and to challenge unacceptable behaviour.
Accessibility Statement.