Fantastic Fortunes for a Fascinating City
-Increased of maintenance loan by reason of the current economic realities
- Affordable and conducive students' accommodation
-Increased Academic Support
- Better students' transportation fare discount scheme
- wages ( or reduced hours) for nursing students on placement
- working hours extension for international students
- Increased Access to academic, health and social support services
- More funding for the Higher education sector e.g increased paid research opportunities
-Enhanced quality and accessibility of educational opportunities for all regardless of background, identify or circumstance.
- Promotion of a diverse students' culture with more events, activities and initiatives that supports students' creativity, talents and wellbeing
-Employability: inculcation of transferable skills, creation of employment opportunities and funding for enterprises
-Advocacy for social justice on at local and national levels
- Increased mental wellbeing and support by ensuring that higher education is framed in a manner that eliminates all elements of frustrations, sadness, hopelessness, depression and loss of pleasure. Classroom learning and university support services should be synchronized seamlessly in a student-centred manner.