20 Wins of 2020

  1. We’ve launched our Academic Communities project, focusing on supporting communities of students on every course through events, academic staff collaboration, and development opportunities.
  2. This year we’ve approved over 20 new societies, and look forward to affiliating loads more in the new year.
  3. We’ve piloted a new system to help us deal with your queries at reception quicker.
  4. We have redeveloped our entire website making it easier to use, putting our union activity and student groups at the centre.
  5. We completed the student check-ins project, calling over 2500 students to offer support, signposting students to services they need, and to check on general wellbeing.
  6. We’ve improved our student group bye-laws so that when we’re back on campus they can access more funding and support for catering at events.
  7. We’ve listened to students about our activities provision at every step of the way, with focus groups, open forums, and involving over 2000 of you so far this year – with more to come in January!
  8. In August, we launched our Online Shop, so you can get access to City Merchandise whenever you need it.
  9. We successfully lobbied and worked with the University to have the Great Hall reinstated for Friday prayers.
  10. We’ve developed and launched a Race Equality Hub on our website for Union staff and students at City. Find it here. If you would like to submit any additional resources, please get in touch. This now coincides with the launch of the Union’s Race Equality Working Group.
  11. In September, we launched our new Money Advice service and recruited an Academic and Money Advisor.
  12. Consulted with the University on having students self-certify in EC claims, and as a result the new EC process includes self-certification.
  13. For when the times get tough, we have now launched an interest free Short-Term Loan Scheme to help students in hardship.
  14. Our Advisors have provided remote advice to over 300 students since the first lockdown in March, including attending remote panel hearings to support the student.
  15. We have advised and supported 76 students on complaint cases against the University, of which 19 related to the impact of Covid-19.
  16. To ensure the Union’s finger is on the pulse of student opinion, your Union introduced a Student Voice report, that tracked student feedback and broke down issues raised by School. The Union identified 50 thematic issues covering multiple areas including Assessment and Feedback, Teaching Standards, Online Resources and Employability and made recommendations to Schools.
  17. To enhance student representation and feedback, the Union have been busy implementing recommendations from the Student Feedback and Representation Review. This has included moving elections for 1st year Programme Reps online, and transferring its complete Programme Rep Induction training session to Moodle.
  18. The Union delivered a feedback and research project in collaboration with the City, University of London colleagues into Bullying and Harassment.  The Union’s work contributed to a new Bullying and Harassment being approved by the University in the summer.
  19. To ensure the voices and opinions of City students are at the heart of City Students’ Union, we have launched new online feedback measures such as the Big Ideas platform.
  20. City Students’ Union was able to secure funding to deliver new initiatives that reduce the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) attainment gap such as a BAME Ambassador scheme focused on reviewing, commenting on and contributing to projects with City’s Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team and Student Attainment Working Group.

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