One month into the first term and your SU have been busy bees in giving you the best first weeks of the academic year. In case you’ve missed it, here are some of the things that we have been doing this October to make sure you’re having a great time at City.
- We have received over 112 events forms from societies across October! That means more societies are putting on more of the events that you signed up to be a part of.
- Our new and improved External Speakers Policy also has made the approval process much smoother so that societies can continue to host events with guest speakers. So far we have approved 9 external speaker requests from our societies.

- The SU have also approved £1,800 worth of funding for societies, and have 5 more funding applications to review. That’s not all, we have also opened the new Inclusivity Fund for societies to receive funding with over 10 applications sent in so far.

Black History Month
- Your SU collaborated with the university to put on the Black Futures Month Exhibition in the Pavilion. We twisted the meaning of Black History month by looking forward towards a more progressive future. Other events we put on for Black History Month included a Black artist Sip and Paint, a Student Vs Staff Volleyball game and also your Deputy President Fortune Sampson did a Black History Month Giveaway where students could try Afro-Carribean drinks, snacks and paint their own mugs!
- Our new weekly staple events have been a hit! The Tuesday weekly film nights have already had well attended showings like Get Out, Black Panther and more to come. Sports nights are also running every Wednesday night at CityBar, open to all students and one guest each.
- Calling all Postgrads, we haven’t forgotten you! We’re starting up new postgraduate events with a trip to the Jack the Ripper tours and a SU Postgraduate social for you to meet like-minded students. There will be more socials to come with the next one approaching at Halloween…
Representation and Democracy
- We have received over 53 applications from first year students and postgraduates to become part of the Assembly. After the interview process, we are happy to have 12 new Assembly members to represent the students who have just arrived at City!

- So far, over 700 Reps have signed up to the role or have been elected by their coursemates to represent them for the year. We’re halfway through training with over 200 Reps ready to be a part of improving the academic experience of their peers.

- As part of an active collaboration with the School of Health and Psychological Sciences, we were able to offer 48 free places for students to study a British Sign Language course at City.

Union Advice
- From September Union Advice has held 4 workshops to support students in submitting an Appeal on the grounds of Undisclosed Extenuating Circumstances. In total we have had over 60 students in attendance with all students who attended having an opportunity to receive 1-1 feedback on their appeal draft. Students have said it was relevant, useful and informative, everything we want you to benefit from when seeking academic advice from us!