So far this year, you have used your role as Programme Representative to improve the conditions on your Programmes and the experience at City University London. Being a Programme Rep means you have demonstrated the desire to make important changes, represent students and respond to important feedback. These skills are directly transferable to an officer role. Nominating yourself could be the next important step in your development!
Why should I nominate myself?
Through your efforts as Programme Representatives, you have not only shown your ability to listen to, respond to and act on feedback; you have also gained valuable knowledge on the issues students care about and the changes they want to see made. This insight and knowledge is an important tool for officers through their campaigns and work. You have also shown your time management skills, effective communication and responsibility by being a Programme Representative.
You should nominate yourself, as becoming an officer will mean you can develop your skills further, and campaigning for election will help you stand out from the crowd even more when you graduate.

Which roles are available?
There is a variety of positions available, we have 20 in total.
We have voluntary roles such as School Representative Officer, a role that is an excellent next step for Programme Reps to make. SROs attend higher level academic meetings and work with Programme Representatives to make the changes within your school.
We also have: Postgraduate Officers, representing our Postgraduate students, Liberation Officers and Special Interest Officers.
There are 3 full time paid roles: President, Vice-President Education and Vice-President Community and Wellbeing. In these roles you can lead the students Union and make important changes to improve the University, earning as you work (£23k+ Salary + benefits).
You can find a full list of the roles, as well as job descriptions here:
All of the officer roles receive support and training from your Students’ Union throughout the year, you will develop your skills and make important changes, no matter which role you stand for.
How do I nominate myself?
To find out more information you can go to:
We encourage you to consider nominating yourself, you can easily do this by going to:
Finally, as always we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have, come and talk to us or email
Take the next step, nominate yourself now!