Changing the Unions Memorandum and Articles of Association Proposal


City Students’ Union is a democratic student-led organisation and is proposing to change its current democracy to new structures based on a review that was completed in Spring 2021.

The review included an all-student survey, focus groups, interviews and a review of sector practice to identify a democratic structure that met the needs of City students.


The proposal is as follows:

To create the Assembly.

The Assembly will replace the existing Student Council, Executive Committee and Student Members’ Meeting.  The Assembly will represent the voice of City students and set the Priorities of the Union. 

To focus on student Priorities.

The Assembly will have the responsibility for determining the Union representative and campaigning priorities, instead of policy. 

To ensure Referendums reflect the wider City student opinion.

The Assembly and City students via a petition will be able to call a Referendum on any issue.  The Board of Trustees will also be able to call a Referendum if required to by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.  Referendum’s will pass by a simple majority, provided that at least 5% of all Student Members cast a vote.

Full detail of all the changes can be seen in the attached tracked changed Memorandum and Articles of Association.

We want to know if you think the Union is proposing the right changes to its democracy

Considering the proposal above and the tracked changes Memorandum and Articles of Association, is the Union proposing to make the right changes? We want to hear you feedback and any proposed amendments by completing the following response form:

Response form

The deadline to complete the form is 14th November, 11:59pm.

What happens next?

The process of changing the Memorandum and Articles of Association is following the rules set out in the Union governing documents.  Following the deadline for students to respond to the proposal, the Board of Trustees will consider any amendments.  The Board of Trustees will then circulate a final proposal to all students for them to vote on at the Student Members’ Meeting on 1 December 2021. 

If you have any questions please email


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