We are thrilled to announce the results of the first-ever election following the merger to form City St George’s Students’ Union. Despite the challenges of conducting the election across multiple campuses, we achieved a record-breaking voter turnout of 21.3% of all eligible students. A total of 5,394 students cast their votes and made their voices heard.
This election's success is attributed to the outstanding candidates who campaigned tirelessly to become your next Students’ Union Officer or Assembly Member. Additionally, this achievement would not have been possible without the incredible efforts of the Students’ Union staff, who ensured that everyone had the opportunity to vote!
The elected Students’ Union Officers for 2025/26 are:
*There is one reserved place for a Students’ Union Officer from Tooting, and unfortunately the only Tooting candidate withdrew from the election before the results were announced. The Union will run a by-election for this role with further details to follow.
The elected Assembly Members for 2025/26 are: