Say hello to City St George's Students' Union

As of today, Thursday 1 August 2024, your Students’ Union has got bigger. The legal merger between City Students’ Union and St George’s Students’ Union has taken place and we’re now City St George’s Students’ Union

We're excited to join forces with our colleagues down in Tooting, who have been working with us behind the scenes to make this happen. Thank you to all the Students' Union staff both here in Clerkenwell and down in Tooting, who have worked tirelessly to make this happen. 

What does this mean for students?

Simply put we’re a merged Students’ Union. The merger of City, University of London and St George’s, University of London means that we’re now a single students’ union to represent the merged university, City St George’s, University of London. 

If you’re a current student of either institution, you’re now represented by City St George’s Students’ Union. 

We are based at both Clerkenwell and Tooting sites, still the same teams, working each day to represent students across City St George’s, University of London. 


Has the website changed? 

For students based in Clerkenwell, you’ll notice a few changes – our logo being the main one.

For students based in Tooting, you’ll now find all the information about City St George’s Students’ Union, Tooting – here

We also have a new URL:


Have email addresses changed?

No, if you need to get in touch with us, you can do so on the same ‘’ or ‘’ email addresses. 


Any questions? 

We’re all ears, drop us an email:

Further information about the university merger, including answers to a range of questions you might have, is available on the Student Hub


We're now working hard to plan a fantastic Welcome to our new students across all sites, keep your eyes open for more information coming soon. 

Here’s to City St George’s Students’ Union!





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