VP Activities Sheikh Hassan will be holding a drop-in every Tuesday at the Students' Union (EG01) from 12:00-2:00pm for societies.
During the first term many of our fantastic societies have been in touch with me to ask for assistance with their activities, questions about the SU and general society enquiries. Talking and engaging to students is what I enjoy doing the most in my role, so I am always happy to meet students to help them with their projects and spend some time with them.
To further improve the support that is provided to societies, I will be holding a drop-in every Tuesday at the Students' Union (EG01) from 12:00-2:00pm for 20 minute appointments for any societies.
The purpose of these appointments will be to discuss general enquires about the SU, any specific concerns you have regarding societies and an opportunity to provide feedback about how you would like us to further improve the support we provide to societies. You can either drop in at the Students’ Union office or send me an email at vpactivities@city.ac.uk to make an appointment.
I hope to see many of you soon!
Sheikh Hassan – Vice President (Activities & Development)

(n.b. the above image is not, in fact, a photo of Sheikh. But rest assured... Sheikh is just as happy as this chappy!)