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Changing the Unions Memorandum and Articles of Association Proposal
City, University of London Students’ Union is a democratic student-led organisation and is proposing to change its current Articles of Association from 1 August 2024. The amendments are to reflect the merger of City, University of London and St George’s University of London to form City St George’s, University of London.
A number of other minor changes are also recommended to the Articles of Association.
The proposal is as follows:
To change the name
From 1 August 2024, City, University of London will go by the name of City St George’s, University of London. As a result of this, the Proposal recommends changing the name of the Union to reflect this change and become City St George’s Students’ Union.
To introduce further guidance on subsidiary companies
The existing St George’s Students’ Union has a subsidiary company, which subject to approval would transfer to the renamed City St George’s Students’ Union. The Proposal amends the Articles of Association to provide further guidance on subsidiary companies.
To include a provision for Student Members’ Meetings
The Proposal recommends reinstating the provision for Student Members’ Meetings in the Articles of Association.
To increase the number of Sabbatical Trustees and Officers
The new City St George’s, University of London will have over 5000 more students and many of those students will be based at the campus in Tooting. As a result of this, the Proposal recommends increasing the number of Sabbatical Trustees and Officers from four to five, with one space reserved for a Student or a Sabbatical Officer who studies/studied primarily on the University campus based in Tooting.
To increase the number of Lay Trustees
The Proposal recommends increasing the number of Lay Trustees from five to six. The Bye-Law’s will set out how one of those Lay Trustees is connected to the City St George’s, University of London provision based in Tooting.
To make other minor amendments to the Articles of Association
The Proposal recommends other minor amendments in addition to those detailed in the Proposal. The amendments can be seen in the attached tracked changed Articles of Association.
To permit the Board of Trustees to make minor drafting amendments to the proposed Article of Association
The Proposal is conditional on consent from a number of third parties (City, University of London and the Charity Commission), who may require minor drafting amendments to the Articles of Association for clarity and consistency. Minor amendments may also be recommended by the Students’ Unions lawyers. The Chair and Deputy Chair in their absolute discretion will decide what constitutes a minor amendment. Any amendments required by third parties and approved by the Board of Trustees between the circulation of this Proposal and the holding of the Referendum will be included in the revised Articles of Association on which students can vote during the Referendum.
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