The University's Counselling Service
It is likely that at some stage during your time at St George’s you will experience problems or difficulties of some sort - and in fact you would be most unusual if you didn’t! Whilst talking things through with a friend can be very helpful, there are times when friends are not available or it just feels too difficult or too personal.
Your personal tutor may be able to help, but you may prefer to see someone who is separate and removed from the academic and assessment process, where you can be sure of confidentiality. The counselling service is staffed by qualified, experienced and friendly counsellors who will encourage you to talk about whatever may be troubling you, and help you to find your own solutions. No problem should be considered too small to be brought to the counselling service!
The service is free, entirely confidential and is open to all St George’s students. There are drop-in sessions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 12pm - 1pm and bookings are not required for the drop-in sessions. Find out more information about the service here.
Opening Times:
- Monday: 9am to 7pm
- Tuesday: 9am to 7pm
- Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
- Thursday: 10am to 7pm
- Friday: 9am to 5pm
How to book?
It couldn’t be easier:
Click here to book an appointment. The student counselling service is located on level 2 of Hunter wing (take a left on leaving the lift area with Pret in front of you and continue to the end of the corridor where it’s on your left).
Call the counselling service directly: (020) 8725 3628 [ext 3628]. This is the number on the back of your ID badge.
Other support available:
Who Can Help
How/Where To Get Help
NHS services - eg. Talk Wandsworth
You can refer yourself or you can be referred by a healthcare professional such as your GP.
Tel: 0203 513 6264
Visit our website for more information.
Samaritans UK
Call: 116 123 (24/7, 365 days a year)
Visit our website for more information.
St George’s Students’ Union
VP Education & Welfare
Call: 020 8725 0451
Drop-In: Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm
Education & Welfare Support Officer
Call: 020 8725 0641
Drop-In: Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9am - 5pm