The Student Life Centre
The Student Life Centre is open throughout the week to help with queries and problems. Pop in to see the friendly staff who will try to help you! It is located on the ground floor of Hunter Wing, next to the main entrance of the university and just behind the ‘Reception’/Security desk.
The Student Life Centre is open Monday to Friday:
- Term time: 10am - 4pm
- Holidays: 10am - 2pm
It's the place to go for any questions relating to:
- Letters and Forms - eg. for proof that you are a student
- ID Cards - eg. if you need a new card printed
- Lockers
- Finance
- Accommodation - eg. Halls
- Disability - eg. discussions about how the University can support you throughout the year and in your exams
- The Counselling Service
Find out more about the support offered by the University here.

Tel: 020 8266 6344