
If your studies are being impacted by your mental or physical health, there is support for you.

Many moons ago, our friends in the Registry conducted a survey and found that in the first term 26% of first year students were worried about their health, with approximately half saying they were feeling tired, run down and stressed out! With so many other things to think about it is all too easy to neglect your health during the first year. Sparing a little time and TLC for your brain and body will pay dividends in the long run.

It is a good idea to get organised and register with a local GP and dentist as soon as you arrive in Tooting. Its best not to leave it until you get ill because you won’t be wanting to deal with all the paperwork when you're feeling under the weather. In the worst case scenario you could find yourself needing to call a doctor in the middle of the night in an emergency and suddenly realising you have nobody to call.

To register, it helps to take the address of your doctor at home and your medical card, but you can sign up without these.

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