Committee Handover and Induction

All the information you need for a smooth handover and induction.

Welcome new committee members! 

Congratulations on being elected as a committee member for 2025/26! We hope you’re excited about the year ahead. 

Being on the committee of a society is an amazing opportunity to shape the student experience of your members and will be a fantastic role for you to develop your skills and experience as future leaders too. 

The Students' Union have a handover process which aims to make the process as smooth as possible, while also equipping you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to begin your exciting new role. Please ensure you review and complete all the steps below.


The team are there to support you through every step, so if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing: (Tooting) (Clerkenwell and Moorgate) 




Complete elections/AGMs 

All societies are required to elect a committee annually. Committees are elected either through an online election (e.g. zoom, google forms) or an Annual General Meeting. (AGM) 

If you completed an AGM or a different election, please ensure you send through the incoming committee details using this form. 

31st May 

Complete a handover document 

We will also ask the existing committee members of your group to complete a Handover Document, which will then be shared with you via email in June. This will contain useful information about your individual group’s finances, passwords and activities, along with any general advice from your predecessors. 

You can download this document here. 

31st May 

Attend the Committee Training Conference (Clerkenwell, Moorgate and Tooting) 

The Committee Training Conference is taking place on campus and is open to all incoming committee members. This day will be full of useful and practical sessions to equip you with the information and skills you need for your new role. This is also a fantastic chance to meet other committee members and get to know the Communities Team. 

More details on the sessions will be released in May. 

You can book on to attend here. 

A networking lunch will be provided. 

5th June 

Request any changes to membership fees

Once the first membership has been purchased you will not be able to change your membership fee until next year. 

Any membership fee changes should be emailed to (Clerkenwell and Moorgate) (Tooting) 

By 31st July 

Book in your Society Development Meeting (Clerkenwell, Moorgate and Tooting) 

Society Development Meetings are opportunities for you to speak to the Communities Team about your plans for the year. The Communities Team can answer questions and support you with your plans for the year. You should come prepared with a first draft annual risk assessment and some rough ideas for the year. 

More information will be released about this in due course. The sessions will take place online or in person with a member of the Communities Team. 

You should come prepared with your plans for the year and your updated annual risk assessment. 

By 20th September 

Complete mandatory online training 

All core committee members are required to complete mandatory committee training. This includes essential information about running your society.

The President, Finance Officer and Welfare Officer and/or Communications Officer of all societies are required to complete this training module. 

Comittee training will be emailed out to all incoming committee in Term 3.

By 20th September 

Submit your Welcome 2025 events 

It is never too soon to start planning your Welcome week events. Make sure that you have submitted any events you want to run by 5th September.  

If you request an event past this deadline, we may not be able to book or approve the event in time.  

Submit Clerkenwell events here 

Submit Tooting events here 

5th September 

Ensure all committee have purchased a membership for your society 

Memberships can be purchased from the 1st August. All memberships must be purchased through the students’ union website. 

All committee members are required to purchase a membership for their society. 


Top tips

  • Familiarise yourself with the Committee Hub website, which has lots of information about running your group. This includes any forms you may need, information on Students' Union processes and much more! 

  • Join the Society Committee WhatsApp chat 25/26. Important news bulletins will be shared through this chat. This is also a place to ask each other questions and share best practise. This will be shared at the Committee Training Conference. 

  • Read through the Societies Handbook. This contains all the information. You can find the Societies Handbook on the Committee Hub. 

Useful Information 

If you need some further guidance please look at our training below. If you need an different layout for the training or a more accessible format please contact us.

Student Groups Handover Document


Introduction to the Students' Union


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