
Event Description


As part of your application to be a Students' Union Officer or Assembly Member you'll need to write 3 priorities that you will work on if elected. This session will help you learn about issues that matter to students and how you can write impactful priorities that will deliver.

This session will cover:

  • How you can use your university and personal experiences to write priorities with a punch.

  • We'll look at your personal brand and how you can build one and use it to persuade people to vote for you.

  • Let you know where you can campaign, how to plan your vote week and how to connect authentically to voters.




LGBTQI+ History Month Speed Dating
12th February
C324, Tait Building,
North African x Egyptian Society-Arabian Night
13th February
AG21, College Building, Clerkenwell, Northampton Square, EC1V 0HB
Societies Events
LGBTQI+ History Month Pizza & Juice Social
4th February
C324, Tait Building,
LGBTQI+ History Month Pizza & Juice Social
18th February
C305, Tait Building,
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