Find out more about City St George's Students’ Union, what we do and what we offer.
There’s a whole host of events happening, check them out here.
We’re creating a thriving community, where every student feels they belong.
Delivering the changes that students want to see, to improve their everyday lives at City St George's.
Providing high quality and easily accessible support for students whilst at City St George's and beyond.
Applying for the election means that you will have a direct impact on the future of City St George's.
All the information for Students in Tooting.
The only place you can get University branded merch and useful products for student life.
You can access your funds in two ways:
Purchase Order Form
To get your reimbursement this way, you will need to follow the steps above and create a new money request. Once completed, it will go to your Finance Officer or President for approval.
Next, it will come to the Students' Union, where we will check your receipts and approve the claim for payment. You will then receive the money within a week or so!
For your receipts to be accepted, they must:
We cannot accept credit card receipts, or receipts without a date.
For purchases through platforms like Dominos and Amazon, we can accept a virtual receipt, or a confirmation email, as long as it contains the items, date, total funds spent and your name.
Submitting an expense claim request instructions
Approving expense claims for your committee
Supporting documents - examples and criteria
Finance Training 2024/25
NB: Purchasing promotional materials; The Students' Union will not reimburse or purchase any publicity materials where the designs do not adhere to requirements. Please submit your publicity designs when submitting claims forms and/or purchase order forms for any promotional material.
The Development Fund, as mentioned above, provides an opportunity for Student Groups to apply for funding directly from us. This is free money for your group, so please have a think about what you could use it for and get some applications in!
Each Student Group can apply for up to £1000 per year (only up to £500 per request) and you can submit bids in collaboration with other societies if you wish to run larger events. The application must be for something specific that can be costed and the grant may only be spent on this specific item/activity agreed. The development fund should be used to the benefit of a majority/all of your members. There are some things that the fund cannot cover. These include:
Funding for something that has already taken place
Donations or affiliations to other charities or political organisations
Ultra Vires spending (e.g. not something that goes against our objectives as a Charity)
Food and drink (normally)
Applications will be reviewed by a member of the Communities Team and a Students’ Union Officer.
Should we receive more applications than we can fund, funding decisions will be made by a member of the Communities Team and one of the Students’ Union Deputy Presidents. Funding will be prioritised for student groups who:
Have received no funding (or limited) so far in the academic year.
Demonstrate the benefit of the funding, including how many students it will impact.
Higher numbers of paid student members.
The outcomes of Students’ Union Development Fund applications will be published on the Students' Union website.
Funding not spent by an agreed date will be returned to the central grant pot so that it can be allocated to other student groups.
Development Fund Application Form
If you want to raise money for a charitable cause, you’re welcome to do so!
Here you can find the Students’ Union Charity Fundraising Form. You need to fill this out and send it to us when planning any fundraising activities.
You must complete this form to begin fundraising, and you must get permission from the chosen charity to raise money for them. To get this permission, you should contact the charity and ask for:
Only UK-based charities are allowed due to charity law.
Charity Fundraising Form
Sponsorships are a great way to earn some extra income for your group, while building valuable connections with external organisations. They can come in many forms but are worth exploring. For more information please have a look through our Sponsorship Guide below which will walk you through all areas of sponsorship!
The first step when looking to secure sponsorship is to create a sponsorship proposal. These need to tell external organisations why they should sponsor you, what you can offer them in return, and how your values and aims align with those of the organisation. This may be industry-based, for example, a sponsorship proposal to send to law firms, or more generic, to go to any company that shares the aims and values of your society.
Some examples of what you can offer organisations in exchange for their funding may include:
• Social media (sharing their organisation on your channels, etc)
• Event promotion (promoting their organisation at your events, logos on event banners, etc)
• Promotion of their events and activities to your membership
Of course, you are not limited to these options only. Be creative! Please ensure you are not committing the Union to doing something that it might not be able to provide.
Once an organisation has decided to sponsor your society, you will need to fill out a Sponsorship Contract Form, found here under ‘Sponsorships’. You must not sign any contracts yourself, they should all come to us. Any losses made by a society or an individual by entering a contract without Students' Union approval will not be reimbursed by the society or the SU. You must not sign any contracts yourself, they should all come to the Students’ Union.
Once we have examined the contract and approved the sponsorship, you can fill out the form, where you will need to tell us what the organisation is giving you, and what you are doing in return. We will also need a signature from the organisation. Once we have this, we will sign it ourselves, and that’s where your work ends.
Once you have completed the above steps, the Finance Team will raise an invoice and send it over to the organisation requesting that the money be sent to us. Once it arrives, it will go straight to your society account, where you can start to spend it.
You must not sign any contracts under any circumstances. Please send any sponsorship contracts to and we will ensure it gets sorted for you and the money enters your Student Group budget line. Sponsorships are subject to 20% VAT.
Any organisation can donate to your society. You are required to provide a letter from the donor stating clearly that the money is a donation. If no such letter is provided, the income cannot be treated as a donation and will be liable for VAT (standard rated @ 20%). Once this has been completed you need to raise a new sales invoice request on SGF.
The letter should include:
If your society successfully receives a sponsorship or donation from a school at City St George's, University of London. All donations from City St George's, University of London will need a Purchase Order (PO) from the member of staff who agree the donation. When the PO has been raised this should be submitted through a new sales invoice request on SGF.
As a student group you are responsible for keeping track of your student group funds and budgeting your events well so you do not become overdrawn. Any debt occured must be paid by the end of the academic year. We advise you leave some money in your budget line for the next incoming committee.
It may be helpful for the Finance Officer to use a budgeting template to keep track of all income and expenses throughout the year. It is also helpful when planning an event to use a simple budget plan to ensure you stay on track in terms of spending.
Both can be found below.
Budget Line Finances Template
Simple Budget Plan
Get to know what income you pay VAT on and what you don't in the table below:
How Does it Enter Your Budget Line?
Paid directly into budget line from purchase
Yes 20%
Ticket Sales
Submitted through a request on SGF
Accessibility Statement.